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Hand Crafted Oils

We are passionate about making hair and skin solutions that our guests can use and get amazing results from while knowing exactly every ingredient that is in them. In fact, we are so transparent, that we even give you the option to make them yourself at home. Each one is completely customizable, so if you see an ingredient that doesn't work well for you, let's take it out! We can even replace it with something else. 
Custom Oil Bar

Essential oils are such a huge part of what we do at Dandelion. We know that, when used correctly, they have the amazing power to heal the mind and body. Our oil bar allows us to create custom blends for our guests for any number of ailments, stress, pain, PMS, and the list goes on! 

Herbal Oils

"These oils are absolutely amazing! My scalp has never been healthier after using the 'Heal & Awaken' oil. All natural AND they work?! YASS"


Beauty Product

"You have to try the custom oil experience! There was one oil product I wanted to buy but I wasn't crazy about the minty smell so they made me my very own without the peppermint and I love it!"


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